Channel: WordReference Forums

más importante aún / aun

Hola. ¿En este caso es correcto el uso de tilde en aún?
Tengo entendido que acompañado de "más" lleva tilde, pero la palabra "importante" en el medio me ha confundido.

"Usar nuevas categorías para pensar y más importante aún, modificar nuestra realidad".


Horseplay refers to rough, boisterous play, and often it can be dangerous in the wrong places. For example, wrestling on a public street where children are nearby, or throwing rocks at birds near a crowd.

1. Lena sees her children boxing and the fighting is becoming more serious. "Stop that horseplay!" she shouted.
2. Neznaika did way too much horseplay when he was younger.

Как сказать по-русски?

à ce que se prolongeât le temps de répit (et la traduction anglaise)

Je voudrais poser une question sur la phrase suivante de Proust (et sur sa traduction en anglais) :

J'en arrivais à souhaiter qu'il vînt le plus tard possible, à ce que se prolongeât le temps de répit.

Cette question a été déjà posée dans ce forum (dans la section de Français Seulement). J'avais alors reçu des réponses très utiles.

J'en arrivais à souhaiter qu'il vînt le plus tard possible, à ce que se prolongeât le temps de répit

Cependant, comme il s'agissait d'un forum...

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Hello everybody;

As an English teacher, I sometimes put my students online activities which we correct together in class. We have lately been dealing with modal verbs, and one of those exercises I failed, but I couldn’t still tell why, and that is why I resort to you and this forum (which is so great, by the way). The sentence in question is:

‘When was the last time you saw Francis?’

‘Years ago. I _ _ _ _ _ him if I saw him now.’

And here come the options menu:
  • A...

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As a plaster on the wound I gave him some candy

As a plaster on the wound I gave him some candy

I wonder if that is a valid expression in English. It is a direct translation from Danish where it is used for describing a compensation you give to someone you have treated in an unfair manner.

it blows you away.


Je cherche à traduire:
"They're so passionate. It just blows you away sometimes."

J'en suis à:
"Ils sont tellement passionnés. C'en est stupéfiant parfois."

Mais cela me semble un peu pâle, comparé à "blown away" et j'aurais aimé garder la construction "Ça vous..."

Auriez-vous de meilleures suggestions? Merci par avance de votre aide!

Levantine Arabic: فجأة\فجأةً زعل منّه

In my 101 Most Used Verbs in Spoken Arabic: Jordan & Palestine book, an example sentence for دفع is as follows:

.كان يحكي مع صاحبه وفجأة زعل منّه ودفعه
He was talking with his friend and all of a sudden/suddenly he got upset with him and pushed him.

I'm learning Syrian Arabic, and so would change صاحبه to رفيقه, but other than that... Should فجأة be فحأةً? I was surprised to see an adverb without nunation/tanwiin.



I am wondering whether when can replace while in this sentence "The flat started trembling while I was watching TV."

Which one is more correct?

In my opinion, while is more correct because it is used with past continuous whereas when is used with past simple.

Thanks in advance.

rendre un devoir à un élève

Comment traduit-on "rendre" quand il s'agit d'un travail que le professeur rend aux élèves?
Merci de votre aide. 🙂 Malène

Cock a snook (hand gesture)...

Is there a name in peninsular Spanish for the hand gesture To cock a snook (verb)?

It's when you place the point of your thumb on the end of your nose, with the fingers spread out and typically wiggling.
It is used in Britain to express contempt for another person.


stacks of serving boxes

All that remained to welcome in the New Year was to roast the anchovies
and fill the stacks of serving boxes with assorted vegetables boiled in soy.

I want to know what is serving box, and does Japanese fill a lot of them with assorted vegetables boiled in soy before new year? I searched on the net and fount some wooden box for serving meal. Could you please show me a picture of it? I want to know What does serving box look like?

Sorry I do not know Japanese. If you explain in...

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Airport, train station

In Poland it varies from region to region..;

Train station, railway station = dworzec (kolejowy), stacja kolejowa
railways = koleje
train = pociąg

Airport = lotnisko, port lotniczy.

lot (flight) + isko

lotny = gaseous, ethereal.

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-isko

-isko n
  1. forms nouns, typically relating to place
ognisko, palenisko, klepisko czy stoisko = campfire, hearth, threshing floor or stall.

Can be defended

Please consider the following statement from the book Strategy Safari about the positioning school of strategy formation:
"The positioning school, in contrast, argued that only certain strategies — as positions in the economic marketplace — are desirable in any given industry: ones that can be defended against competitors. Ease of defence means that firms which occupy these positions enjoy higher profits than other firms in the industry."

Does the clause "ones that can be...

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applied for an installment

Say I want to pay an expensive thing by installments. And surely I need to register for that. Can I say:

She applied for an installment for the expensive television.

P.S.: I want to try to keep the element of "application".

Start a streak

Hi there! I was on WhatsApp texting a british friend of mine. We haven't seen each other for years. So at some point he texted me saying: I'd like us to start a streak on Google meet. Could "streak", in this context, mean something like a meeting? Thanks a lot in advance.

retire to / from

Le passage à traduire est tiré d'une interview d'un monsieur de 70 ans qui a choisi de reprendre une activité mais en freelance. Il parle de la retraite :

I think a lot of us think a lot about what we're going to retire from, but we don't give a lot of thought about what we're going to want to retire to.

Comment rendre compte de ce double mouvement retire to et retire from ?

Ma tentative un peu lourdaude je trouve :
Je pense que beaucoup d'entre nous pensons beaucoup à ce que...

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push up on somebody

As an English teacher, I present popular songs to the classroom at the beginning of each lesson to promote the language. A student suggested to me The Drum by Alan Walker, and I would like to know the meaning of the phrasal verb push up on in this specific context and, thus, if it's appropriate:

Thinkin' about you, makin' my body behave so
Crazy, oh, you make me wanna sway slow
You push up on me, baby, you got me for days, oh, you do

According to...

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Sanskrit: अधार्याताम्

In the following sentence, ‘अधार्याताम्’ seems to be an incorrect verb form for ‘[by him a cap and shoes] were worn’. What would be correct? ‘अध्रियन्त/अधारिषत / अधृषत?

“तेन रक्तवर्णा शिरस्त्राणिका (टोपिका) समुज्ज्वलौ कर्बुरौ उपानहौ च अधार्याताम्।”

in consecutive years

Hello everyone!

I have constructed this sentence using in consecutive years but I am not sure if the bold part is ambiguous.

Barcelona has won La Ligas in consecutive years more than any other teams.

Barcelona won La Ligas in the 1947-1948 season and the 1948-1949 season, that means in consecutive years. And Barcelona has done this for 9 times.

Does it make sense? Thanks a lot!


Troeno > Ligustrum

El troeno, un árbol indígeno de Sud América se llama popularmente en los países anglófonos como "ligustrum". Publico aquí el resultado de mi propia investigación para a quien le interese.

hocher la tête ou de la tête?

Je trouve les deux versions en ligne, donc il ne m'est pas clair laquelle est préférable ou si elles sont toutes les deux acceptables. Je me demande s'il y a une légère différence entre les deux. En fin de compte, faut-il dire 'hocher la tête' ou 'hocher de la tête' dans un langage plus soutenu?

shoot for the moon

Comment est-ce qu'il se pourrait traduire de l'anglais en français "To shoot for the moon"?

le contexte... en anglais la phrase veut dire être très ambitieux... c'est employé dans plusieurs contextes pour dire qu'une personne a beaucoup d'ambition...


Next door = A place nearby?

I saw a video of a guy who's never had kfc or starbucks in his life. In the video he is standing outside KFC and there's a starbucks on the other side of the road. The starbucks building was not directly across from the KFC building. It was rather a couple of building away and you can hardly see the logo. The cameraman had to zoom in to show the building. (The guy is a native speaker.)

"I'm going to have kfc for the first time. And look over there, a starbucks right next door."

Can we use...

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укороченный - word stress

Dear All,

укороченный — Викисловарь indicates it can be: укорOченный or укорочённый.

How will the word укороченный be pronounced in the following passage:

"Они смешиваются с пассажирами, и злоумышленники никогда достоверно не знают, кто именно может оказать им противодействие. Американские воздушные маршалы проходят интенсивную подготовку, включая стрелковую, рукопашный бой, медицину и т. д. Они скрытно носят полуавтоматические пистолеты SIG Sauer P229 калибра...

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adding knowledge to experience

[When faced with things that are too big to sense, we comprehend them by adding knowledge to the experience. The first appearance of a shining star in a darkening evening sky can take you out into the universe if you combine what you see with the twin facts that the star is merely one of the closest of the galaxy's 200 billion stars and that its light began traveling decades ago. The smell of gasoline going into a car's tank during a refueling stop when combined with the fact that each day...

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Snarge (noun, uncountable) Remains of animals, mostly (but not only) birds, stuck in a plane engine, on an aircraft surface, or along an airport runway.

"Snarge can be a wad of a Canada goose lodged inside an airplane engine. Or it can be a broken and burned gull feather littered along the runway. Snarge can even be as small as a rusty-red smear on the nose of an airliner."

‘Snarge’ Happens, and Studying It Makes Your Flight Safer

pull up a search, information

Bonjour à tous,

En contexte informatique, que signifie le verbe "to pull up" dans une phrase du type "He pulled up Google's search window" ? Merci d'avance pour votre aide.

aparcamientos en batería

Anyone know what type of car parks are "aparcamientos en batería"? Thanks

Context: New cycleways planned for Gijón, Spain.
Villoria ha insistido en que se trata de un proyecto que nace del diálogo con vecinos, Cocemfe, Gijón Bici y Otea y para el que la Autoridad Portuaria ha dado autorización de uso de terrenos.

Por su parte, Barcia ha destacado que el hecho de que el carril estuviera pintado en el suelo, como hasta ahora, ha generado «muchos problemas entre ciclistas y peatones», por...

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antérieurement / précédemment

I am having trouble distinguishing which of these 2 words to use when I want to say "previously".

Could I use "précédemment" in these two sentences?
1) Ces valeurs standards et ont été comparées aux valeurs antérieurement publiées.
These standard values have been compared with the previously published results.

2) Les auditeurs ont accès à toutes les émissions diffusées antérieurement.
Listeners have access to all previously broadcast radio programs.

Could I use...

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release of your file

J'essaie de traduire la phrase suivante:

"Please sign the back of this letter providing autorization for the release of your file and return it no later than May 24, 2024."

Mon essai: [...] autorisant la décharge de votre dossier et la renvoyer [...]


ward bosses and neighborhood bullies

Olá, amigos

Achei a tradução de "chefe de distrito eleitoral" para word boss, e pensei em "valentões do bairro" para neighborhood bullies, porém não tenho certeza.

O contexto é: From the days of the first humans until only relatively recently, tribal leaders, clan elders, kings, tyrants, cadillos, gang leaders, ward bosses, and neighborhood bullies all ruled by force.

Agradeço quaisquer sugestões.


modèle (montre ou bijou)

Est-ce qu'on peut traduire "modèle" par "model" dans une phrase comme "le vendeur m'a présenté plusieurs modèles" ? les modèles étant des modèles de montres, de bijoux ou de vêtements par exemple. Ou bien est-il préférable d'utiliser le terme spécifique "watch, ring..." ? ex. "The advisor showed me several watches". Ou y a-t-il un autre terme plus adapté, tel que "piece", "item" peut-être ?
Merci pour votre aide.

I remain attentive

Hola a todos ,
Es común en ingles el uso de esta frase "I remain attentive" para terminar un mensaje en un correo , como en español como Quedo atenta a sus comentarios


Can "encafuar" in the following context be interpreted as "sair"? Thank you very much!
Ele, o sirdar, encafuou, voltou a usar sobrecasaca com fez vermelho, que ele deixava na ante-sala, quando ia ao despacho. Assim, sem merecer censuras, conservava a sua originalidade.., militar. [Lima Barreto - Historias e Sonhos] Histórias e Sonhos : Nº 1.

secador de pelo o de cabello

Quisiera saber si las formas "secador de pelo" y "secador de cabello" son igualmente empleadas y válidas.

La douleur exquise

I was watching one of the Sex and the City episodes and the title of that episode happens to be "la douleur exquise".

What does that mean?

diaspora politique

In this context would this be diaspora politics or political diaspora?

La diaspora togolaise, malheureusement, ne joue pas un rôle important dans ce processus. D'abord, nous avons de la peine à connaître le nombre effectif des Togolais qui sont dans la diaspora, mais les chiffres qui sont avancés parlent à peu près de 25 à 30 % de la population togolaise, c'est-à-dire près 3 millions de citoyens. Depuis plusieurs années, il y a des politiques publiques qui sont mises en place par le...

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Olha! onde está a casa de banho?

A mulher está a aprender a idioma de professores, e está a ouvir que quando quero encaminhar numa pergunta com gente desconhecida, deve começar com "Olha!" Não somos falantes naturais, mas para mim, este não é devidamente cortês. Tem um ar de "Olha, tu! sim, estou a falar contigo!" quando eu preferia algo de "Desculpe, Senhora ..."

(No centro do Portugal.)

non-displaceable products and services

Hola, el contexto es un proyecto para desarrollar una comunidad rural. La idea de non-displaceable products and services parece ser la de productos y servicios vinculados al lugar de origen, que no pueden ser creados, ofrecidos en otro lugar. Solo se me ha ocurrido no-desplazables. Agradezco cualquier sugerencia.

To increase vitality in the region will require creating livelihoods for people that they can take pride in. Growing its viability will require a functioning economic system based...

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if it had ham in it, it's closer


I would like to know if the seemingly inconsistent use of tenses in this conditional sentence is common in everyday English, especially when you talk fast and/ or do not pay close attention to what you are saying. I understand the use of the Past Simple in the subordinate clause, as it is an unreal condition, but the Present Simple seems plain wrong to me, could you share your thoughts on this with me, please?. Context: The British host of UK morning show This Morning, Holly...

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By the hour

This is an expression that refers to a rate of progression. Here are some examples.

1. Yuri makes more money by the hour at his business.
2. Tanya spends Yuri's money faster by the minute.
3. Neznaika gets dumber by the hour.

Как сказать по-русски?

مُدَرَّس - مَدروس

I know in this way that ap (active participle) can either be used as a noun or adjective in the sentence but with this, i also know that ap is a form of noun or adjective as the doer (active).

pp (passive participle) is vise versa. It can also be used either as a noun or adjective but with this saying, it is the noun which is in a passive form ( the done).

And what about two different types in two forms? As we know, while form ii is the causative form of form i (of course, not...

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cosa farai questo weekend

In a transaltion exercise from Italian to English, the teacher asked to translate "cosa farai questo weekend", meaning what are your plans for the weekend, because in the unit we studied how to make arrangements. The expected translations were "What are you up to" or "what are you doing" at the weekend. Someone translated "what will you do at the weekend". Is this sentence correct to ask about your plans? Is there any difference between this sentence with will and the previous ones?


Para mí la palabra gritona significa "una que grita", o sea, una que suele gritar, chillar, etcetera. Pero me he topado con un mensaje de texto que me tiene confundido. Viene de un novio supuestamente arrepentido:

"Yo ya te dije no quiero buscar a nadie más y sé que para tí es difícil después de la gritona y como actué..."

¿Es que también puede significar "berrinche, rabieta", o sea, un episodio de gritos?

Inversions - Play on words

I'm looking a little deeper into inversions and would like to know how natural and correct below sentences sound to you

Context: Somebody justifying to somebody else why they are not going out tonight.

1) Not only don't I have any money but am I also super tired (instead of Not only don't I have any money to go out tonight but I am also super tired.
2) I don't only have any money but also am I super tired (i/o Not only don't I

Vous êtes le combientième enfant de la famille ?

J'ai une question spéciale. Comment poser la question sur l'ordre des enfants dans une famille. Par exemple quand la réponds est : "Je suis le troisième enfant de mes parents.", quelle serait la question ? On doit toujours dire "Qui est le plus jeune, le cadet, ..., le plus âgé ?" Il n'y a pas une question directe comme: Vous êtes le "combientième😁" enfant de vos parents ?
Merci !

buques de cantehue

Hola, tengo una pregunta para mis estimados compañeros argentinos y para quien tenga información. Estoy traduciendo un texto escrito por un argentino de los 1880s sobre Bahía Blanca y aparece esta oración: "Los buques de vidrio, de cantehue, de papel, han suplantado a los antiguos de madera." Aunque es obvio que cantehue es algún tipo de materia con la cual se podría construir un barco, ¿qué será? ¿Es una clase de goma? ¿Hay una palabra equivalente en inglés?

Gracias por su ayuda.

(référendum) sectoriel / provincial

Nous parlons beaucoup de la possibilité d'un référendum au Québec sur la question de demander plus de pouvoirs dans le domaine de l'immigration. Le terme utilisé ces jours-ci est référendum sectoriel. Pourquoi pas référendum provincial?

Football pitch


boisko = pitch

boi, boj + isko Proto-Slavic: bojь = fray, combat

Inherited from Proto-Slavic *-isko

The beaten ground on which the game is played (in the real world, not the virtual world!) used to be the beaten ground on which battles were fought, i.e. battles were fought or tournaments were held (boisko = place where battles were fought)

-isko n
  1. forms nouns, typically relating to place.
ognisko, palenisko, klepisko czy stoisko = campfire, hearth...

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into the well of the kitchen doorway

Oyone had already stepped down into the well of the kitchen doorway.
The sound of the back door being slid open reached Sōsuke’s ears soon
after that.

I do not get the meaning of "well" in the phrase " into the well of the kitchen doorway"

Source: The Gate by NATSUME SŌSEKI Translated by WILLIAM F. SIBLEY

I am thankful for your help

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